Defaulted Student Loans - Consolidating Student Loans After Default

We err in treating a student loan as a completely different transaction.However, it is very similar to any other loan and this will help us in defaulted a student loan consolidation.

Education has become very expensive and students are opting for loans to repay their debts. However, more than 30% of all students have or are defaulting on their loans. This scenario is equivalent to a financial suicide, because once default takes place, interest runs at a very high rate and the debt assumes impossible proportions very soon.

There are many people with debt in excess of a hundred thousand dollars. There is no way they can repay the debt in time.

Consolidation may work when the amount is not very high. However, in cases where the borrower has allowed the debt to run away to a high amount, ordinary consolidation will not work. A different strategy is required.

The first thing you should do is obtain information about your credit report and your bad credit score. Only then can you proceed to repair it. There are many programs which will help patch up the mess even if you do not have any prior knowledge or experience in undertaking such transactions.

Bankruptcy? Yes or No?

A common misconception is that bankruptcy is the best solution to counter runaway student debt. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Bankruptcy is a big decision which has significant impact. Such decisions should not be taken lightly.

You should adopt a two pronged approach of bringing down your outstanding amount and also removing the late payment report from your file. Your debt can come down by as much as 40% and the reports can be removed in a span of a few days.

Easiest Option

One of the easiest option is to go in for a default student loan consolidation. However, if this is not possible, bankruptcy is not the only way out. There are other options which can be used to stop the situation from worsening. There are time tested strategies which can help you get a grip on the situation.

Irrespective of the course of action that you choose, you will have to improve your money management skills to prevent such a situation from coming up all over again.

Money management is not as bad and as tough as it is made out to be. There are specialized money management programs which will help you manage your finances in a much better manner. Never feel that the situation has gone beyond your control.

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